Social Media Friendships


 ❤ Social Media Friendships❤
- by Sensei Plazo -

In a world full of unique people...there are unexpected events and fandoms that unexpectedly help you to reach out and connect to other people with same interests. It is really a small world now because of technology. By the help of the internet we can reach the places and the people that will give unexpected colors into our lives.

Many of us are coping up with the daily dose of stressful works that we all wanted to have an escape and via internet surfing most of us were looking interesting places and people across the globe.We love having minute-break for just a quality time surfing the net or having time to update social media accounts.

Social Media sites nowadays has a big part of our break time from work or if we have free time. And while social medias like facebook, instagram, twitter etc.  are developing and existing...Social Media Friendships will surely exist.

It is not easy to have Friends in  Social Media and it really takes long chat conversations and interests before having trusts and before labeling that you and your new friends are real friends. It is not easy to have friends that you've never met before but Social Media friendships really occur because not all people are spammers and thiefs.There are still true people with same interests that will help you and motivate you in a way that you really never expected.

Social Media friends will make you laugh, cry, shout out loud, feel kilig ...but the best feeling you can have from them is unexpected...the feeling of excitement...they will help you smile and make you feel better most of the time than the friends you have personally met. Maybe because there are some mysterious sides about them that you want to know more. It is more exciting right.

To my social media friendships Ms. rafaandreav, Ms. Miho, Ms. Minette, Ms.Dona, Ms.CL Nonan and to all TeamKayeCal...all of you are my inspirations for this article. Let us continue believing in the power of Social Media Friendships.

God is really amazing for giving us unexpected friends and inspirations where they touched our lives by sharing advises and life experiences. I'm so proud of you guys.

Yes, we have to be a good listener and a good observer when having social media friends and this is for our own safety.And yes as what I state above not all people in this world are bad people by looking into their positive sides we can help other people via social media sites and meet new friends to give some help of advise and you will be surprised how they taught something to you from sharing their inspirations and life experiences to you they will add color into your life.

What I've learned  from you guys will help other people too because ...I know we will continue reaching out for more social media friends. Let's be friends. Let's show the world our good hearts about Social Media Friendships by being loyal and not being plastic.

-Sensei Plazo-
Instagram: missplazo_24
Twitter: @plazoapplemarie


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