Things I Learned From Year 2017

Today's January 1, 2018 ...the first day of the Year of the Dog 2018...the best day to reflect and look back on what I've learned from my past known as Year 2017. It's been a roller coaster ride and a life-changing journey wherein I checked some of the list on my bucket list by simply taking risks and doing some travels. I met lots of people turned into friends that year and reveal my lucky side and matured side unto them.It's been a year full of Music (fangirling, concerts and vlogging/shooting) and Art (doodling, painting and coloring...also T.V. vtr shoot made my artist side glow). First on my list about what I learned from 2017 was To love without expecting to be loved in return. Second, Family is everything... Third, Music heals broken souls... Fourth, Respecting everyone via understanding them no matter what happened... Fifth, Forget instead of keeping bad memories... Sixth, Sing out loud the music that suites your mood.You can do this e...